Brewing Manual

Basics of Pour-Over Coffee

When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of coffee, most baristas turn to the pour-over method. This is because pour-overs allow more control over the brewing process and, if done skillfully, can brew a better cup of coffee than any other method. Pour-over coffee gives the beverage a deeper and richer taste than machine drip coffee. This is because the water the beans are brewed with are being replenished with freshwater, which will extract more than just the surface molecules of the coffee beans. The tastier solubles are released faster than the bitter tasting ones, so brewing pour-over coffee...

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French Press Brewing Method

French press coffee is very famous for its simple design and easy brewing process. It is well known for its heavy body and strong taste, which results from immersing the coffee grounds in the hot water instead of pouring the water over the grounds like other pour-over dripping methods.  The full process will take 4-5 minutes.  All you need to make the best French press coffee is: Coffee press Grinder Hot water Scale Great coffee beans  Click here to buy the best French Press Coffee Maker  French Press Brewing Method:  1. Boil 355ml of water 2. Grind 22g of your...

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What is coffee bloom?

When coffee grounds come in contact with hot water, they release carbon dioxide and often bubble and expand. Coffee blooming is the act of dampening your coffee bed to provoke this release of carbon dioxide. When coffee beans are roasted, the organic material of the bean is heated and releases carbon dioxide. Hot water in particular causes beans to immediately release most of their carbon dioxide. This creates a “bloom” when those first drops hit your coffee grinds. Because CO2 is escaping quickly, it repels water away from the grounds. Carbon dioxide pushing water away is also known as turbulence. This is an...

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Easy Steps for Chemex Coffee Brewing.

The infusion method is used to brew Chemex coffee, which makes it very similar to drip coffee in terms of body and taste. However, Chemex filters are 20-30% thicker than other pour-over coffee filters. The result is a slower brew and a richer cup of coffee To guarantee the best Chemex Coffee results, grind your beans more coarsely, and offer extra attention to the pour rate. The full process will take between 3 to 4 minutes   To make the best Chemex coffee you need: Chemex pot Chemex coffee filter Drip Kettle Coffee grinder Coffee Scale Your favorite coffee beans Click...

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How to brew V60 coffee?

V60 coffee is very popular between baristas and coffee lovers simply because it produces fantastic, clean and repeatable coffee. The V60 coffee dripper gives you full control of every brewing variable. The V60 is so named because of the 60° angle created by the cone shaping the letter V which allows water to flow through all parts of coffee, resulting in the evenly extracted cup of coffee. The large hole at the bottom enables the brewer to adjust the flavor of the coffee, by altering the speed of water flow. The full process will take between 2 to 3 minutes...

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